Explore where history was made...

...and where truths collide

Set in an immersive and historically accurate recreation of Colonial Boston after the 1770 “Boston Massacre,” Witness to the Revolution allows the player to develop an awareness of how misinformation – both deliberate and accidental – can shape the perception and meaning of history. 

Explore Colonial Boston, investigate evidence and experience vivid playable flashbacks of historical witness accounts as you struggle to find clarity in the face of contradiction and manipulation to answer one simple question -

What happened the night of March 5, 1770?

Investigate the Roots of a Revolution

You arrive in Boston three weeks after the events of March 5 with a three-part mission:

1) find and speak with Jane Crothers, a barmaid from the Royal Exchange Tavern who witnessed the event

2) conduct a close examination of Paul Revere's famous print "The Bloody Massacre" using your magnifying glass

3) collect three sketches of key objects from the area

Each part of your mission shapes your overall interpretation of the events as you seek to understand who bears the blame for the shooting. Only then will you be able to write a letter back home based on your interpretations of your investigation.

Examine the Evidence

Locate Paul Revere's famous print "The Bloody Massacre" - only a close look can reveal essential clues to your investigation

Talk to the People

Many are willing to tell you their story, some share vivid flashbacks, however how much confidence will you place in what they say?

Sketch the Journey

Colonial Boston is brimming with unique buildings and objects - sketching some of these may shape how you see the city and its inhabitants.